
What is data·yze?

Our name is a derived from applying the Latin suffix -ize, meaning to become or engage in, to the term 'data'. Thus "to datayze" means to turn into, or treat like data.

data·yze is data & statistics based website, akin to a data analytics version of a lifestyle brand. Our mission is to spread our love of numbers through fun, easy to use apps designed for everyone, including (and perhaps especially for) the less mathematically inclined. Each app that we create has a mathematical or data component to it. We'll design apps for any domain, but the ones not typically associated with math have a special place in our hearts. Our favorite apps to create are the intuition busters that help provide more insight into the world around us.

The History of data·yze

Dr. Sarah Tyler (PhD, Computer Science), first began experimenting with web applications (web apps) in the late 1990s. One of those apps was the Readability Analyzer. At the time the Readability Analyzer computed just three readability metrics and used a simplistic algorithm for estimating syllable counts. While the other apps never really gained traction, the Readability Analyzer became popular. As more and more people found the tool, Sarah added additional readability metrics and increased the sophistication of the underlying heuristics.

Dr. Tyler's second major web app wouldn't be released until over a decade later. While waiting for the birth of her first child, Sarah launched a Labor Probability Calculator in 2012. As she was found of saying at the time "Anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks is just too mathematically vague." She had a curiosity itch that needed to be scratched, so she wrote a mathematical model to predict the day to day odds of spontaneous labor.

Since then, data·yze has grown to include 62 additional apps across 10 verticals.

data·yze Update Schedule

Minor teaks to apps are pushed during light traffic times. Each app has a different user profile, so these times may differ. Large website changes, changes to support code that can affect multiple apps, and updates to models are usually pushed Fridays between 11pm and 3 am. Planned updates will be posted here.

The data·yze Business Model

The majority of our apps are ad supported. (See our Terms and Privacy Policy for more information about our add policies.) The ad revenue helps us keep the lights on. We have users who have been following us faithfully since the days when we were just the Readability Analyzer, and have come to rely on our tools. As a personal thank you for your continued support we have pledged to keep the currently existing catalog of free web apps free/ad supported. As long as data·yze exists (and we have no plans of going anywhere!) we'll continue to host a free/ad supported version of these tools.

data·yze Current Site Statistics

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