Total Names Matching Criteria: 28,801
Name Gender
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Overall Popularity
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Syllable Count
1Olivia Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Olivia are female.Extremely Popular1 in 205 babies born in 2021 are named Olivia. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Olivia, click the arrow. 4
2Emma Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Emma are female.Extremely Popular1 in 236 babies born in 2021 are named Emma. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Emma, click the arrow. 2
3Charlotte Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Charlotte are female.Extremely Popular1 in 274 babies born in 2021 are named Charlotte. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Charlotte, click the arrow. 2
4Amelia Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Amelia are female.Extremely Popular1 in 281 babies born in 2021 are named Amelia. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Amelia, click the arrow. 4
5Ava Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Ava are female.Extremely Popular1 in 285 babies born in 2021 are named Ava. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Ava, click the arrow. 1
6Sophia Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Sophia are female.Extremely Popular1 in 291 babies born in 2021 are named Sophia. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Sophia, click the arrow. 3
7Isabella Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Isabella are female.Extremely Popular1 in 325 babies born in 2021 are named Isabella. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Isabella, click the arrow. 4
8Mia Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Mia are female.Extremely Popular1 in 328 babies born in 2021 are named Mia. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Mia, click the arrow. 1
9Evelyn Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Evelyn are female.Extremely Popular1 in 385 babies born in 2021 are named Evelyn. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Evelyn, click the arrow. 3
10Harper Very Feminine98.3% of babies born in 2021 with the name Harper are female.Very Popular1 in 426 babies born in 2021 are named Harper. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Harper, click the arrow. 2
11Luna Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Luna are female.Very Popular1 in 445 babies born in 2021 are named Luna. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Luna, click the arrow. 2
12Camila Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Camila are female.Very Popular1 in 454 babies born in 2021 are named Camila. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Camila, click the arrow. 3
13Gianna Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Gianna are female.Very Popular1 in 489 babies born in 2021 are named Gianna. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Gianna, click the arrow. 3
14Elizabeth Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Elizabeth are female.Very Popular1 in 506 babies born in 2021 are named Elizabeth. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Elizabeth, click the arrow. 4
15Eleanor Very Feminine99.9% of babies born in 2021 with the name Eleanor are female.Very Popular1 in 515 babies born in 2021 are named Eleanor. For a deeper analysis of the popularity of Eleanor, click the arrow. 3
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About the Baby Name Explorer

The Baby Name Explorer lets you explore over 30,000 baby names based on name popularity, the ratio of males to females with each name, and how a name is trending over the years.

Where does your data come from?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) for baby name popularity and population size. The SSA publishes background information on how the data is collected and distributed for the interested. Average elementary school size comes from the National Center for Educational Statistics. Similar names are computed using a combination of string and phonetic edit distances.

Were there really ten boys named Sarah in 2015?
Looks like! Our data comes direct from the US Census Data, and that's what the Social Security Administration (SSA) reports. With a 3,961,981 babies born in 2015, there's bound to be at least a few reporting errors. There's also going to be a few really far out their names. There may have been 10 boys named Sarah, but there were also 16 girls named 'Abcde'.

Hey, my daughter's/brother's/neighbor's name isn't on the list! What gives?
Congratulations on a super rare name! Your daughter/brother/neighbor is one of a kind! Or, more precisely, one of no more than 4. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not include baby names when fewer than five babies were given the name.

Love Baby Names? Try our other Baby Name Apps. The Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer which can let you know how likely an individual is to encounter another person with the same name. If you like more unusual names, you may enjoy the Unique Name Generator, Name Blender which merges two names into one or Alternate Spelling Suggester. Finally, the Nickname Finder can help you find that perfect nick name.

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