The Time Between
Start Time:
End Time:
In /

What type of hours should be included in the countdown?
All hours on Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday All hours on Saturday and Sunday Set your own hours

About the Time Between

Count down the days, hours, minutes and seconds between two fixed points in time. How many billable hours did you work in March? How much commutative time did that weekly standing meeting take up last quarter? Let Count Down count down those hours for you. To get started, enter the start date, and the end date above. Then select the type of days/hours you want to count. The Countdown can include all days and all hours, or just specific days (e.g. weekends) and specific hours.'

Have an non-traditional work schedule? The countdown can count those hours too! Just select the custom hours option under "What type of hours should be included in the countdown?". A table will appear including every hour for each day of the week. Select which hours you wish to include or exclude by clicking on the respective hour box. Hours corresponding with blue boxes are included in the countdown, those corresponding with colorless boxes are excluded.