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Common Nicknames for Cecilia:

Less Common Nicknames for Cecilia:

About the Nickname Finder

Curious what a name is short for? Wondering if there's a way to shorten a name? Perhaps your looking for a less traditional nickname. Let our Nickname finder answer those questions for you.

The Nickname Finder can identify both traditional and more unique nicknames for a given name. The Nickname Finder starts with a list common nicknames. That list is then expanded by using a combination of language models and edit distance to find new similar but less expected variants that could work for each candidate nickname.

Love Baby Names? Try our other Baby Name Apps. The Baby Name Explorer lets you explore names based on gender ratio, substring, popularity, or the number of syllables. If you like more unusual names, you may enjoy the Unique Name Generator, Name Blender which merges two names into one or Alternate Spelling Suggester. The Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer which can let you know how likely an individual is to encounter another person with the same name.

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