When will you hit viability? How far along will you be by New Years? Pregnancy Week by Week creates your personalized pregnancy calendar with important milestone.
The calendar also compares the size of your baby to common hand sizes. At the start of the second trimester your baby will be roughly the expected size of his or her hand at birth. By 20 weeks, he or she will likely be the size of your hand. By birth, he or she will be nearly three times the size of your hand, crown to heel.
Information on Hand Sizes:Newborn hand and footprints courtesy of my own children.
Expecting? Try our Pregnancy Apps. Worried about miscarriage? Let us reassure you. Thinking about labor? We can help with that too.
Wanting to become pregnant? Our Time to Conception Estimator can estimate how long it may take.
Have baby names on the brain?
Try our Baby Name Apps, including Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer or Baby Name Explorer. Still can't find a name you like? Try the Unique Baby Name Generator or the Name Blender which generates new names based on the latest trends.