
Baby Name Apps

Name Blender

What's your celebrity couple name? Want to honor two people with the same baby name? Combine two names into one with the Name Blender.

Nickname Finder

Curious what a name is short for? Wondering if there's a way to shorten a name? Perhaps your looking for a less traditional nickname. Let our Nickname finder answer those questions for you.

Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer

The Baby Name Uniqueness Analyzer can determine how likely a person with a given name is to encounter another individual with the same name.

Alternate Spelling Finder

The Alternate Spelling Finder uses highly probable character substitutions to find similar spellings of a given word or name.

Unique Baby Name Generator

The Name Generator uses statistics about current baby naming trends to generate new names that are both easy to read and pronounce.

Baby Name Explorer

The Baby Name Explorer lets you explore over 30,000 baby names based on name popularity, the ratio of males to females with each name, and how a name is trending over the years.